Monday, June 18, 2007

Never be the same again...

A man had suffered for over 40 years with a severe illness. After semester missionaries B & A heard his story, they asked if they could pray for him. B tells the story, "We laid hands on him, prayed, and then left. After leaving, we decided to buy him some pain medicine since he was in severe pain and couldn't do anything.

The next day we returned to the village and went to see the man & his wife. We gave them the medicine, explained how it was to be used, and asked if we could pray for him again. They said yes, so once again we prayed. After we were done and were about to leave, his wife said, 'By the way after you prayed for my husband the other day, his pain is gone, he has not had any pain since.' She said he even went to the fields today to work and went out and got water.. he has not done that for 20 years!

My prayer when we laid hands on him was that God would heal this man and that through that healing God would turn them to Himself. So with tears in my eyes we shared the gospel with this family and at the end, the wife looked at us and said, 'How could we not believe after you prayed for him and he was healed. God healed him.' Isn't God amazing!!

God is just breaking my heart through the realness of the lost and the searching. We need to be bringing the gospel to all peoples, the hard to reach, the unreached, and the dangerous places. How it hurts to hear, experience, and see the ones who are just waiting and longing for years for the truth. If only someone would go to them!!!! I pray God just utterly breaks my heart for those lost on this river, in this country, and all over the world. My earnest prayer is that I will never be the same again!!!"

  • Pray for those who have made decisions to follow Christ. Pray they will be grounded in their faith and they will continue to grow through the study of God's word. Pray for leaders to come up out of the local groups of believers.

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